For my last short post, I really wanted to show an uplifting video that is breaking all of these stigmas that are present in society. These women are a part of the #IAMSTIGMAFREE movement, and they are not ashamed of the fact that they have mental illnesses. They are using their stories of times of defeat and weakness to build others up and help them in their journey. This video is energetic and uplifting and shows that you can still be yourself, even with a mental disability.

All of these women also made video testimonies about their struggles with mental illness, and also about their triumphs. They are making these videos to encourage others struggling with situations similar to theirs to reach out and seek help just as they did and they want to show them that they can lead a life filled with happiness, even with this hardship. I encourage all of you to watch some of these testimonies, and hear the stories of these women and how they are rising above their illnesses and are not letting them define their lives!


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